5 Things To Do With Your Garden To Help Slow Climate Change

In light of the recently released IPCC report, garden owners might be wondering what can be done in gardens to help slow climate change and make a difference. 

Here at Kedel, we believe there are plenty of ways you can make a difference to the effects of global warming and climate change, just by making a few small changes when it comes to how you use and work in your garden.

  1. Use Recycled Materials

When it comes to buying garden furniture and accessories, opting for those that are made with recycled materials is more beneficial for the environment.

Choosing furnishings made from recycled plastic instead of timber is a good place to start, and means that less reusable plastic ends up in dangerous landfills.

As well as using recycled materials, using human-powered tools instead of petrol-powered tools helps prevent high levels of pollution from your household. 

  1. Grow Your Own Food

Growing your own food helps save energy when it comes to transportation, as well as reduces the amount of plastic packaging used to keep the food safe and fresh. 

Try growing food such as tomatoes, peppers and peas, as well as the likes of garden herbs that can easily be grown in small pots.

Not only will you be eating healthier, fresher produce, but doing your bit to help the planet.

  1. Reduce Water Consumption

Gardens need a lot of water, but luckily, the UK is well-known for its heavy amount of rainfall.

Installing a water butt allows you to collect rainwater and save it for use on the garden and plants, meaning less water from the taps is needed and therefore less energy wasted.

  1. Plant Trees

Trees can absorb and store as much as a tonne of CO2 from the atmosphere, meaning that if every household in the UK (27.8 million) planted one tree, 27.8 million tonnes of CO2 would be taken from the atmosphere.

Planting trees to create shade is also a good way to save on electricity in the home when it comes to air conditioning or fans.

  1. Compost

Composting kitchen and garden waste reduces the amount of carbon pollution your home contributes, by reusing waste that would usually end in landfill.

It also helps your garden grow, adding vital nutrients to help your garden flourish and produce bigger and healthier produce.