Creating An Eco Friendly Garden

Creating An Eco Friendly Garden

Creating An Eco-Friendly Garden

We all understand the importance of having an eco-friendly house, but having an eco-friendly garden is just as vital in helping to protect the planet against negative effects on the environment.

Whether it’s by growing your own food or using recycled plastic garden products, being as eco-friendly and sustainable as possible when creating and maintaining your garden won’t just help the environment, but will also help save you time and money.

To point you in the right direction of where to start with creating an eco-friendly garden, the team at Kedel have put together this helpful guide to help inspire you and show you just how easy it is with the right materials.

  • Grow your own fruits and vegetables

Growing your own fruits and vegetables not only provides you with delicious, homegrown food, but helps decrease your reliance on food transportation and delivery systems. These systems create emissions that negatively impact the environment, causing the global temperature to rise and therefore putting the planet in danger.

There are many different fruits and vegetables you can grow in your garden, including the likes of carrots and potatoes as well as chillies and apples. 

Raised bed gardening is a common method for growing foods, and can be done incredibly sustainably by using recycled plastic raised beds instead of wooden raised beds. Not only does using recycled plastic prevent unnecessary pollution, but will provide you with beds that are durable and long-lasting.

  • Replace wooden decking with recycled plastic decking

While a simple internet search can provide you with heaps of beautiful garden decking ideas, it’s important that garden decking is as sustainable as it is good-looking.

Recycled plastic decking is the perfect answer to this problem, as it helps reduce pollution as well as makes having and maintaining decking easier. Only 7% of the plastic produced each year is currently recycled, so choosing recycled plastic for your landscaping is a great way to help the environment. 

Our eco-friendly plastic decking from Kedel is completely resistant to water, frost, insects, fungi and algae, making it incredibly durable and easy to look after. With plastic decking, you never have to worry about replacing it frequently or splashing out for expensive upkeep jobs, as it’s made to be long-lasting and maintenance-free.

  • Home composting

Home composting not only provides an environmentally friendly way to deal with both kitchen and garden waste but creates a compost full of eco-friendly materials that can be used as a soil improver in the garden.

When choosing a composter for your garden, opt for a recycled plastic composter instead of a wooden one, as a plastic one fully combats rot, and will last much longer than any made from wood.

  • Landscape with recycled plastic palisades

Garden landscape design helps gardens look more aesthetically pleasing, as well as helps to create specific areas for plants and trees so that they can grow efficiently. 

When landscaping your garden, it’s important to think about the materials being used for both the sake of the environment and maintenance levels. 

Eco-friendly landscaping materials,  such as eco-plastic palisades for garden edging, are a good alternative to timber materials as they last a lifetime without maintenance. As well as this, recycled plastic fencing is an eco-friendly alternative to timber fencing, as eco-plastic fencing will last for decades without the need for painting, staining or oiling. Opting for recycled plastic also helps to reduce the amount of waste plastic in landfill sites, which can be harmful to the environment. 

  • Fill it with eco-friendly furnishings

Having furniture outdoors helps make any garden homely and comforting, as well as offers the ability to turn the garden into a social area. 

From seating to planters, gardens can be filled with eco-friendly furnishings to help keep them sustainable while protecting the environment at the same time. Our designs release 250% less CO2 into the atmosphere during manufacturing than virgin plastic designs. 

A good example of eco-friendly furnishings is recycled plastic chairs that are a durable alternative to timber chairs. While wooden and metal furniture has to be taken in during the winter months, recycled plastic furniture can stay out all year long without worrying about damage. 

For more tips on how to create and maintain an eco-friendly garden, as well as how to use materials made from recycled plastic efficiently and aesthetically, keep an eye on our blog. Browse our wider range of eco-friendly landscaping and gardening products today, or take a look at our selection of eco-friendly building and construction materials.