Infinite Plastic Recycling: Transforming Waste into a Valuable Resource

Infinite Plastic Recycling: Transforming Waste into a Valuable Resource

“Each year, 400 million tonnes of plastic is produced, and 40% of that is single-use - plastic only used once before it's thrown away - and less than 10% of that is recycled”

Source: BBC

Plastic pollution is one of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time. With billions of tonnes of plastic waste clogging our oceans, landfills, and natural habitats, we’re facing far-reaching consequences for ecosystems and human health. The need to address this crisis has brought a renewed focus on new technologies, such as infinite plastic recycling. This innovative process could be the key to fighting plastic pollution, so let’s take a closer look at the benefits of this sustainable system. 

What is Infinite Plastic Recycling?

Infinite plastic recycling, also known as closed-loop recycling, is the process of repeatedly transforming waste plastic into new products without any loss in quality or value. Unlike traditional recycling methods, which often result in downgraded materials with limited potential for reuse, infinite plastic recycling allows the plastic to cycle through the system indefinitely. The goal is to reach a point where plastic no longer ends up as waste but is instead continuously repurposed to meet society's needs.

A Revolutionary System

Infinite plastic recycling introduces a significant shift towards a more sustainable approach to plastic waste management. By enabling the recycling of different types of plastics, including hard plastics, films, and even mixed and contaminated plastics, it removes the limitations of previous techniques. As a result, the UK plastics industry can reduce its dependency on new plastic production, reducing its carbon footprint and conserving valuable resources.

What are the Benefits of Infinite Plastic Recycling?

  1. Reduction in Plastic Pollution:

The ability to infinitely recycle plastic eliminates the need for excessive plastic production. Consequently, less plastic waste ends up polluting our oceans, rivers, and landfills, reversing the damage caused by years of neglect.

  1. Preservation of Natural Resources:

Plastic recycling helps preserve natural resources by curbing the need for extracting raw materials. This, in turn, lessens deforestation, habitat destruction, and other detrimental consequences associated with resource extraction. By embracing infinite plastic recycling, we can transition to a more sustainable path that minimises damage to our environment and biodiversity.

  1. Reduction in Carbon Emissions:

Creating new plastic generates considerable greenhouse gas emissions. However, infinite plastic recycling significantly reduces these emissions. By embracing closed-loop recycling, we can also help reduce our carbon footprints.

What is the Potential of Infinite Plastic Recycling?

The potential of infinite plastic recycling is not limited to traditional plastics; it extends to the recycling of other waste materials to create new composite materials with invaluable properties. One such example is recycled plastic wood, a sustainable alternative to traditional timber, which, at Kedel, we’re already embracing as our primary material. From landscaping products such as recycled plastic decking, fencing and raised planters to recycled plastic outdoor furniture, the opportunities are endless. 

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Challenges and The Future of Plastic Recycling

While infinite plastic recycling presents incredible potential for combatting plastic pollution, there are challenges that need to be addressed to maximise its benefits. One hurdle is the need to improve waste collection and sorting systems to ensure a constant supply of high-quality plastics. Additionally, the development of more efficient processing systems will be crucial in reducing energy consumption and enhancing the scalability of the recycling process.


Infinite plastic recycling represents an essential step forward in tackling the global plastic pollution crisis. By fundamentally changing the way we manage plastic waste, it allows for the continuous repurposing of plastics, drastically reducing environmental impacts and preserving valuable resources. Through the development of more advanced recycling technologies and the adoption of sustainable alternatives such as recycled plastic wood, the UK plastics industry can pave the way towards a circular economy that prioritises the well-being of our planet.