Rise In Demand For Recycling Info


Is the UK becoming more eco-conscious? According to recent search data, it seems that we could be. Searches for terms relating to recycling have soared over the past 12 months, with many looking for info on what, how and where to recycle their waste. 

Can You Recycle......?

In December 2020, there were over 6,000 searches for ‘can you recycle polystyrene’, an increase of around 83% in the last 12 months. This could be linked to those receiving Christmas gifts packaged in polystyrene, but it shows that many are now conscious of how they get rid of this waste product. ‘Can you recycle bubble wrap’ also saw an increase in searches of around 26% over the past year. Again, another packaging material that many seem to be more conscious about when it comes to throwing it away. 

Recycling Locations

Other search terms which have seen dramatic increases include ‘recycling near me’ which saw a huge growth of 174% from January to December 2020. Searches for ‘recycling centre, near me’ also saw an increase of 83% over the same period. This rise in demand for recycling information could be a clear indication that many of us are now becoming more aware of the waste we produce and how we go about getting rid of it. 

Growth Drivers

So what is fuelling this growth in demand for recycling information? It could be that recent events have made us stop and think about the effect we are having on our planet. Plus with restrictions in place and less to do, it’s freed up some time for us to consider our daily routines and implement changes within our lives that have more of a positive impact on the environment. 

Demand for products made from recycled materials also seems to be increasing. Searches for ‘recycled plastic planters’ soared in June 2020, as did searches for ‘recycled plastic garden furniture’, reaching the highest it has been in the past five years. 

At Kedel, we have seen this increase in demand firsthand, with growth in sales for our recycled plastic planks reaching 700% year on year and visits to our recycled decking page have grown by over 500% in 2020 compared to 2019. 


Key data has shown that opting for recycled plastic uses around 66% less energy than new plastic. Plus, recycled plastic can be recycled again, helping to keep it out of landfill even after it has been re-used. Currently, only a small percentage of plastic produced each year is recycled, and although this number is steadily growing each year, choosing products made from recycled materials is a key factor when it comes to using plastic more responsibly. 

“It isn’t just the desire to recycle that has grown the market for recycled plastic, but the maintenance free benefit, saving on costs of labour and materials for decades. It’s a win, win situation that makes commercial as well as ethical sense.” 

Lewis Walch, Company Secretary, Kedel Limited

Data sources - 

  • https://keywordtool.io/
  • https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?geo=GB&q=recycled%20plastic%20planters
  • https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&geo=GB&q=recycled%20plastic%20garden%20furniture