Sustainable Gardening Trends 2023

Sustainable Gardening Trends 2023

It’s a new year; for many, this means trying to make valuable changes in our lives. One of the most common New Year resolutions is committing to living a greener lifestyle, whether through diet, recycling or switching to a more sustainable way of living. With Spring just around the corner, one of the easiest places to start your green journey is the garden. 

From resilient planting to outdoor living, we’re going to take a look at some of the biggest garden trends of 2023. 

Adaptable Planting

With an increase in unpredictable weather, it’s more important than ever to consider our gardens as a valuable ecosystem. The climate of the future is more uncertain than ever, with many predicting that London will share the same temperature as Barcelona by 2050. With this in mind, it is important to consider the protection of all species in the garden. Bees and butterflies are just two insects at risk as temperatures rise, and as gardeners, we have a responsibility to provide food and shelter through the planting we do. In 2023, we expect to see a shift away from an aesthetic-led garden design with a move towards plants that are hardy, drought tolerant and provide year-round colour. 

We predict a further shift towards the use of more sustainable materials within the garden, such as mulch or even piles of rubble that will act as a habitat for insects and bugs. Care should also be taken with garden maintenance, ensuring that we don’t destroy these habitats as we tend to our gardens. While these gardens may not take the prize for being the ‘prettiest,’ they will certainly be commended for their commitment to sustainable living. 


The shockwaves of the pandemic are still felt across the globe and for many of us, the habits we picked up during lockdown have stuck. While we were confined to our homes, there was a sharp increase in demand for allotments, as well as the tools to create home vegetable gardens, chicken coops and even small paddocks. The loss of access to our usual suppliers led to people becoming ‘hands-on’ and in 2023, these skills have been honed and developed to create a greater sense of self-sufficiency. 

More than ever, we want to know exactly where our food comes from and what better paper trail to follow than back to your own garden? If you’re planning on creating your own vegetable garden, our recycled plastic raised bed planters are a great way to get started. Made from 100% recycled plastic material, they will not rot, warp or splinter, letting you concentrate on planting your crop without worrying about planter maintenance. 

Find out more: Guide to Raised Plastic Garden Beds. 

Conscientious Outdoor Living

Warmer summers and more time spent in our gardens have led to a demand for functional outdoor living spaces. In 2023, we expect to see a shift towards the use of sustainable materials to create entertaining areas that embrace the natural flow of the space. Instead of gardens dominated by large paved spaces, this year will see a return to softer landscaping concepts. Natural habitats will blend perfectly with decked dining areas created using materials such as our recycled plastic decking boards. Water features such as ponds or ornamental structures will lend both style and functionality to outdoor spaces, allowing insects and birds to enjoy a year-round habitat. 

Regardless of the size of the garden, informed choices can be made to ensure that sustainability is at the heart of any landscaping decisions. Smaller gardens can still play their part in promoting biodiverse habitats by using raised planters and pots, while larger spaces can section spaces for wildflower seed planting and minimal mowing. Our outdoor living spaces should reflect our lifestyle, and the shift towards ‘gardening with a conscience’ will help unleash the sustainable potential of our gardens. 

We’re looking forward to a year where sustainable living becomes a priority, not just a choice. At Kedel, we are committed to providing only the best recycled plastic products to help lower your carbon footprint and promote a greener planet. To find out more about our products, why not take a look at our full outdoor furniture range today?